Category: Winter Series

Final Revett report – Lots of tea and a prize giving

Final Revett report – Lots of tea and a prize giving

Leigh and Lowton Sailing Club’s Open Revett Winter Series concluded this weekend on Sunday the 11th December 2011 with 99 boats having competed at some stage of the series.  The forecast originally looked promising on Sunday but in the end never actually arrived resulting in a long tea drinking day with both races of the day being canned.  So how did it finish in the end? Chris Gillard romped home in the Solos followed by Steve White and Jon Walter. ...

Revett Week 4 – Shifty and squally

Revett Week 4 – Shifty and squally

Leigh and Lowton Sailing Club’s Open Revett Winter Series week 4 continued with interesting conditions on Sunday 4th December 2011.  In total 50 boats ventured out in a shifty and squally west south westerly force 2-4.  PROs Kate Tickle and Sally Haslewood set reaching courses for the Lasers, Solos & Handicap Fleet and full windward leeward laps for the Asymmetric Fleet.

Revett Week 3 – Gusty force 5-7!

Revett Week 3 – Gusty force 5-7!

2011 Revett Results Asymmetric Laser Handicap Solo Leigh and Lowton Sailing Club’s Open Revett Winter Series week 3 continued with not so perfect conditions on Sunday 27th November 2011. In total 24 boats ventured out a very strong and gusty force 5-7 west north westerly. PRO Neil Skellam set a reaching course for the Lasers, Solos & Handicap Fleet and a full windward leeward lap for the Asymmetric Fleet.

Revett Week 2 – 57 Boats enjoy tactical racing

Revett Week 2 – 57 Boats enjoy tactical racing

2011 Revett Results Asymmetric Laser Handicap Solo Leigh and Lowton Sailing Club’s open Revett Winter Series week 2 continued with perfect conditions on Sunday 20th November. In total 57 boats, including visitors from Sheffield Viking, Bassenthwaite, Elton, Crosby, Blackpool & Fleetwood and West Riding, enjoyed a perfect force 1-2 south easterly breeze. PRO Terry Oliver set a short course for the Lasers and Handicap Fleets and a full windwardleeward lap the length of the flash for the Asymmetrics.

Revett Week 1 – 53 Boats enjoy perfect conditions

Revett Week 1 – 53 Boats enjoy perfect conditions

2011 Revett Results Leigh and Lowton Sailing Clubs open Revett series started with perfect conditions on Sunday 13th November. 53 boats including visitors from Sheffield Viking, Bassenthwaite, Elton, Crosby, Blackpool and Fleetwood and West Riding enjoyed a perfect force 3 easterly breeze. PRO Paul Allen set a long course including a windward leg the length of the flash

Guy Fawkes Pursuit Race 2011

Guy Fawkes Pursuit Race 2011

Following on from the N12 Inlands, in excess of sixty boats turned up for the start of the Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club winter series – the Guy Fawkes pursuit race – to be greeted with flat calm but bright sunshine . Five optimists ventured onto the water as the rest of us enjoyed tea, bacon butties and a chat with old friends returning for the winter. Bobby Hewitt (Opt 5667) took the early lead from Matt Leckie (Opt 6091)....