Duties – race officer and safety boat

Unlike a commercial gym or other sports facility, where customers pay for each session, LLSC is 100% owned and managed by its members. This includes managing the racing and providing safety cover – like everything else at the club these services are provided by volunteer members. When joining or renewing our memberships, all adult Sailing members (including the Guardians of child members) agree to undertake up to three duties per year. Besides being essential for the effective running of the club, these duties give us all an excellent opportunity to get to know other members.

This page is designed to help members find information about how they can play their part in making our club a continuing success through helping manage racing and providing safety cover. You don’t need to be an expert to assist in these duties.

Duties – a guide to what we’ve all signed up for – including a link to the duty rota (part of the Event Calendar) https://llsc.org.uk/duties-2/
OD guide and race timer – useful tips on managing racing –  short video by Martin Tubb https://llsc.org.uk/race-timer-and-od-guide/ with a link to a text-based set of instructions – handy to print out and use as a reference https://fa6ed0.n3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/RACE-OFFICER-TRAINING.pdf