Berthing Procedures

Berthing Procedure

The allocation of a berth for a boat must be verbally agreed with myself BEFORE any boat is put on a berth.  This procedure will help the club get a clear picture of those boats in use and to locate abandoned/unused boats so they can be moved thus freeing up much needed space in the dinghy park.

Therefore, any boat that is…

  • left on a berth without prior agreement with myself


  • as of the 1st April 2017, not clearly displaying a visible current year dinghy park sticker on the transom or on the mast above the cover (members only)


….will, without prior notice and at the owners risk, be moved elsewhere on club grounds prior to disposal.

As per the club by-laws, extra berths can be requested for boats owned by you if you need more than your membership category allows.

Remember that berths are for boats only.

If your boat is not on a trailer then the trailer will need a sticker and then put with the others in the trailer park or be taken away . Any trailers left on the car park or in the trailer park without a sticker will be removed without prior warning.

If you have any questions about this please contact me directly.

Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.


Paul Heath

LLSC Berthing officer

07545 861117