A message from our Sailing Manager
To all powerboat coxes, following the recent incident in Padstow and the amount of damage currently impacting the club boats we are running additional sessions of the one-minute rescue to remind us all of our duties and responsibilities in running the rescue boats at the club. In the last 6 months, we have had significant damage to engines, boats dropped off their trailers and general repairs running into hundreds of pounds. See link below re Padstow for those of you that have been on a desert island for the last week and missed the news.
The General Committee has reviewed the club responsibilities in this regard and as a consequence we expect each Cox or PB2 driver to attend one of the following sessions:
Saturday 8 June or
Saturday 29 June or
Saturday 20 July
Start 09.00 hrs
1 hour classroom
1 hour boat house
2 ½ hours on the water
Please let Ollie know which session you intend to attend so we can manage numbers.
Many thanks
Richard Catchpole
Sailing Manager