North West Optimist Development Squad
What is the North West Optimist Development Squad? The North West Optimist Development Squad is a regional initiative to offer quality training to optimist sailors in the North West. It recognises that there is plenty of optimist sailing going on in different clubs and aims to support this by helping sailors to improve their racing skills, meet other optimist sailors and take the next step.
Who are the coaches?The training will be led by Luke Shaw (RYA Race Coach Level 3 and North/West Optimist Zone Squad Head Coach) and James Asquith (RYA Race Coach Level 2). James is also an experienced coach who has worked at Zone Squad level.
What level of sailing do I need before I attend? You should be able to launch and recover your boat, sail a triangular course (including to windward), tack/gybe, and be confident/know what to do when your boat capsizes, all in a force 3 (approx. 12mph).
How good does my boat need to be? You are welcome to bring any optimist type boat, although we would encourage you to have a properly registered, race rigged boat from the start. A decent boat makes it easier for you, however, if all you can access for the time being is a club boat you are still welcome to attend – it might be a good opportunity to look at the type of boats other people are sailing before deciding what you want to buy.
What personal kit will I need? As you know it can get very cold during the winter. You will need good warm sailing kit. A full wetsuit or drysuit will be compulsory.
What will I learn? We will be working on improving basic sailing/racing skills so you are well equipped for club and open events. The type of skills are outlined in the IOCA logbook.
Where is it taking place? The sessions will all take place at Leigh & Lowton SC. The thinking is that this is a relatively accessible venue for most people and currently has the largest North West Optimist fleet. The aim is to reduce journey times and costs for as many people as possible.
How much will it cost?
The cost for all 6 Saturdays is a heavily subsidised £90. However, for just £50 more you can get winter membership of Leigh & Lowton SC which means you can store your boat at the club and get together with the other Optimist sailors for Sunday racing through the winter.
Do I need to be a member of IOCA? You should be a 2013 member of IOCA – join via the class website –
Will I get a hoodie? We are looking into a squad hoodie which will be discussed with sailors at the first couple of weekends.
Training and development for all Oppy sailors (able to sail a triangular course)
Saturday, 10 November 2012 Saturday, 8 December 2012 Saturday, 26 January 2013 Saturday, 16 February 2013 Saturday, 16 March 2013 Saturday, 27 April 2013DETAILS FOR ALL EVENTS:
VENUE: Leigh and Lowton Sailing Club.
TIME: Rigged and ready for 10am – finish by 4pm.
COST: Coaching sessions = £90
Coaching plus winter membership and boat storage at Leigh and Lowton = £140 ( to enable Sunday racing at the club through winter )
A fantastic opportunity to take part in high quality training, and to develop a network of keen Optimist sailors in the North West
If you require any further information, or you wish to book a sailor,
please email Steph Leckie at [email protected]