2011 Web Statistics
This site was viewed about 74,000 times in 2011! There were 87 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 112 posts. There were 432 pictures uploaded. The busiest day of the year was November 29th with 2,248 views. The most popular post that day was Webcam.
Some visitors came searching, mostly for leigh and lowton sailing club, llsc,leigh and lowton, and leigh & lowton sailing club. Most visitors came from The United Kingdom. The United States & United Arab Emirates were not far behind.
So.. 2012 looks set to be a busy year at the club and hopefully the website will be a digital magazine for members and visitors to the club. If you have any ideas of how the club can improve the website please get in touch [email protected]. All the best for 2012. Paul Allen
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