LLSC Officially Open the New Extension
On Saturday 12th November, Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club celebrated the opening of the extension to its clubhouse. The extension, built over the last 10 months by the club’s Facilities Manager Howard Green, supported by a number of other members, has added an area equivalent to 50% of the main clubroom. Separated from the main clubroom by a set of folding doors, the room can be used as a comfortable area for spectators, seating about 50 people, heated to a different temperature to the main clubroom during the winter sailing events but can also be opened up to become a large clubroom for social events, meetings etc.
Introduced by present Commodore Mike Baldwin and watched by almost 100 members and guests (including five previous Commodores of the club and one previous Commodore of Leigh Sailing Club), the opening ceremony was conducted by Tom Walton, one of the two joint Commodores of the club for the first year after Leigh Sailing Club and Lowton Sailing Club amalgamated in 1986. After congratulating all those who had participated in the project and commenting on how the club had developed from some very basic beginnings 25 years ago, Tom cut the ribbon and those present moved into the area to attend the club’s annual prizegiving.
The pictures show previous and present Commodores, from left to right; Paul Allen; Ken Nicholls (Leigh SC); Tom Walton; Olive Connor; Wayne Atherton; Mike Baldwin; Ian Nixon
and Tom Walton cutting the ribbon.
Photographs courtesy of Mike Dean